The weather

The weather in Barbados

The climate is very warm, typically with a mix of sunshine, light clouds, breezes and showers – sometimes all in the same day!

weather 300x187 - The weatherHowever it isn’t too hot – high 80’s F (30C) is the maximum and the temperature rarely drops below the low 70’s (22C) even at night. For most people this is ideal – sweaters and jackets don’t need to be packed and there’s no need to avoid searing heat during the middle of the day.

Best described as moderately tropical, there are two seasons. The dry season runs from December to May. The wet season runs from June to November. There is rain all year round, just more in the wet season. This is mostly in the form of short, heavy showers. The sea is always warm.

All in all a perfect climate. The occasional cloudy or wet day but never two in a row.

Weather Averages

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